Atila's Student Blog

Random Musings

Please don't read this expecting any quality.
Thank you.

If you had a gun to your head and you were asked "What do you want to become".

What would you say?

The scary thing for me is that I do not now what I would say.
I have no idea.
I'm pretty much just a statistic as well as an NPC, I could die tomorrow and not one would care for very long, and I don't blame them, and that scares me.

All I have at the moment is sensation. I am alive and I'm happy for that.
The only thing stopping me from so many things is my fear of wasting or wasted time.

I wonder, do I fear death because I want to use that time.

Throughout history many people's lives did not matter have a big impact.
I wrote a blog post about useless textbook vocab and my teacher saw that and disagreed. I've been thinking why.
Perhaps it's because his measures for the worth of a word are different from mine.
In the same way, who cares if your life doesn't reach the pinnacle as defined by the metrics of others.
Maybe your life matters only because you think it matters.

I find that beautiful and you're welcome to disagree.
In-fact you're welcome to tell me about it on my Guestbook.

Even if I die tomorrow, am forgotten and truly my actions didn't matter. I was alive today.