Atila's Student Blog

Have I changed in the past 2 years?

I may not have changed from the past all that much.
As one can see from this note:

"Who am I" - from 2022

(This was written in 2022 by a younger Atila) I'm a coward who never got used to working hard.
I indulge in Instant Gratification for hours at a time.
I stay up late just to read manwha and manga, losing gains.
I'm a person who loves it when doing work but before that I absolutely hate it.
I listen to music even though I don't have to, to distract myself from that voice in my head telling me that I'm a piece of shit and a lazy asshole.
I'm an average guy just trying to improve and become my ideal self.

I've changed!!!

Through doing my GCSE's and 4 A-Levels I was forced to work harder and that really helped.
I still sometimes engage in Instant Gratification for hours at a time. And I do still miss out on gains.
But I think that I've changed even just a little, I've taken more steps on my journey to become a person I can look up to.