Atila's Student Blog

Everyman 2 Logs

What is Everyman 2 and Why am I doing it

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Day 1. E3

I started at 1640 with my first nap until 1700. Slept on the floor this time and got up without any fuss.

Day 2. E3

I went to sleep yesterday at 2300 and woke up today at 0230. Having a goal of sticking it through adaptation makes this infinitely easier. First nap 0800 til 0820. I decided to sleep in a loud room. Surprisingly I managed to sleep a bit even though I wasn't really all that tired. Though next time I need to find somewhere better. I didn't get a single ounce of sleep on the third nap of 1250 to 1310. Next time (tomorrow) I am sleeping outside or in the music department. I'm not putting myself in that loud canteen again. It's been hard to think from 1320 onward. I hope the brief walk will help me from 1540 onward to finish some homework. Overslept today due to bad alarms with Headphones. Again!!! So that was annoying and also I slept on my bed instead of taking the time to set up my floor setup.

Day 1. Again E2

I think it's day 1.
Anyway I woke up at 0300 fairly well and did nothing with the extra time. While I can wake up now the hard part is definitely tiredness. Sleep Deprivation is hitting badly. Went to school feeling terribly sleep deprived but I hope I'll manage you know. I just need to get through 2 weeks and I'll get better.
Sleeping on the floor is getting way to nice. I'm starting to prefer it to my bed which isn't good. Because now it's harder to get out of the floor in order to not risk oversleeping.

I've decided to end this since I'm still a teenager. I will keep good sleep hygiene though. I'll try again when I'm 19 or 20