Atila's Student Blog

Adventures in Germany

Why I'm in Germany

I'm visiting family.

Problems with my German

My listening ability needs so much work. Hearing people in lowd places is hard. I'm too reliant on headphones. I didn't understand most signs to do with driving / parking.

My haul of books

Due to a kindle I no longer feel as pressured when it comes to acquiring books because well I can simply roam the seven seas. You can find out more about my love for the Kindle and why i use it here

I look forward to reading Nietzsche as I've heard from my german friend that he writes very beautifully while still being direct. As well as that the language he uses isn't deliberately complicated and intellectual in order to appeal to the intellectual crowd.

I've been reading less translated content with Momo and Gray, so I'm very much looking forward to reading Tintenherz as I've heard great things about it. As well as this it is also a children's book so it should be easier than Kapital and Thus Spoke Zarathustra which I wish to read later.

The Greatest Place

The bookstore I was in was heavenly. It was amazing seeing rows of books especially manga. It's such a different feeling as compared to online shopping and the manga just feel different when they are in your hands.


I went a walk in the city outskirts. As well as in a forest. It was quite refreshing to be in a place where there wasn't a car in sight or in earshot. Nature is well cared for. Or at least quite appreciated.

German Houses and Villages

Firstly the most surprising thing is that people greet you when you walk past them. Unlike London where everyone is always in a rush or wearing headphones or it's simply quite awkward to simply talk to someone out of the blue.
Secondly, Houses are so much bigger compared to London. They have 2 storeys and probably also basements for cellars. The sheer amount of individuality that many houses have is also staggering. They aren't as monotonous as in London.


Overall My trip to germany has been positive but I'm still quite shy and not very good at socialising but that's not Germany's fault but rather mine.